Access to Justice

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PPDC focuses on strengthening and scaling reforms targeting service delivery among criminal justice institutions. Nigeria’s criminal justice institutions are underdeveloped and collectively lack the capacity to meet the justice needs of the people. Management of cases among these institutions is often riddled with systemic delays that frustrate users and reduce the likelihood of justice being served.

There are also growing human rights concerns relating to the professional conduct of law enforcement agencies and personnel, pre-trial detention and modalities for restorative justice. Our programs aim to improve access to and dispensation of justice for Nigerians, improve citizens’ interaction with government/law using transparency tools, and enhance States’ capacities to effectively investigate and prosecute cases. All these objectives rely on the presence of an effective, transparent and accountable justice system. 

PPDC currently implements the Court Administration and Case Management program supported by the United States Department of State Bureau of International Law Enforcement and Narcotics which aims at using technology to improve overall court administration, scheduling and management of cases and evidence.

Court Administration and Case Management Project

Reforming Pre-Trial Detention in Nigeria (Phase ii)